Most important idea advanced by Smith; what you consider to be the most important idea advanced by Ricardo

Most important idea advanced by Smith; what you consider to be the most important idea advanced by Ricardo

Economics Theory 5 page Essay

I need this 5 page essay done tonight please. The instructions are attached:

You are to write a minimum five page paper (typewritten, 11-point font, double spaced on 8½-by-11-inch paper) that

summarizes (one sentence each) what you consider to be the most important idea advanced by Smith; what you consider to be the most important idea advanced by Ricardo; what you consider to be the most important idea advanced by Marx; by Marshall; by Schumpeter; and by Keynes

and then

compares and contrasts these “most important” ideas

In doing so, you should consider the following:

What did each of these people assume about human behavior?

What did each assume about the economy or society he was analyzing?

How do these assumptions differ? In what ways are they similar?

In what ways are the views of these writers similar? In what ways are they different?

Do the principal ideas of each of these writers provide any insight into contemporary economies or societies and, if so, why?

and then concludes with a discussion of which ideas you personally find the most persuasive and the reasons why


Your paper must be edited for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It will be graded for both content and the quality of writing. A poorly written paper with grammatical mistakes, misspellings, punctuation errors, incomplete sentences, or poorly organized paragraphs will be penalized.

You must provide page references and complete citations (including a bibliography) for anything that you quote or paraphrase.

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Summary of Theories


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