Clinical importance and clinical disease related to the testis

Clinical importance and clinical disease related to the testis

Use trusted sources to write about

Clinical importance and clinical disease related to the testis

write 3 slides + a transcript

1 slide about Clinical importance

2 slide about clinical disease related to the testis

Write the references in the slide number 4 ( use the same style that said in the attached file )

( You must Read all the attached file clearly for all the information You need especially the point called screen design format )

After that you need to write a details In a word file about each points on the powerPoint slides, which I will say in the front of my professor. ( as you know I can’t only says the point without enough details because this is a presentation in front of all students and professors )

if there’s anything not clear ask me about it.

Solution preview for the order on Clinical importance and clinical disease related to the testis

Clinical importance and clinical disease related to the testis


5 slides