Discuss three things you learned from the slide presentation on plastic bags

Discuss three things you learned from the slide presentation on plastic bags

Slide Presentation, Plastic Bags

In a 1-2 page paper, using APA-style formatting, discuss three things you learned from the slide presentation on plastic bags? If you were given the opportunity to address the public-at-large, what would be your recommendation regarding the use of plastic bags? In your closing remarks, include a short catchy phase, slogan, poem, or any other creative statement to emphasize your point of view.



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From the presentation, I learned that plastic bags photodegrade into toxic petro-polymers which end up in food chains causing deaths of animals, birds and marine life. Organisms mistake the microscopic materials for food and consume it, which destroy their systems. More so, around 200 species of sea creatures die as a result of plastics bags…………………….


344 words