10- pages paper in Yemen humanitarian crises.

10- pages paper in Yemen humanitarian crises.

The length should be between 10 pages (not including title page, abstract and references), in APA 6th edition format. This is the opportunity to delve into a topical area addressed in the course and develop an in-depth understanding of the situation.

Topics to discuss can include but, are not limited to the following:

How is the disaster cycle used (preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery)?

What management model was applied?

Discuss disaster management models, logistics, political and capacity related topics as applicable.

at least 6 academic sources

How is the disaster cycle used (preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery)?

What management model was applied?

Discuss disaster management models, logistics, political and capacity related topics as applicable.

at least 6 academic sources



Solution preview

Yemen is one of the poorest states in the Arab region. The country’s crisis emerged in the year 2011 following a political transition aimed at bringing stability in the country after the uprising of the Arab Spring. The Arab Spring compelled its authoritarian president, Abdullah Saleh, to hand over presidency to, Mansour Hadi………………………


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