Directions for your CONSORT assignment, Critical: all else depends on your finding a Randomized Controlled (Clinical) Trial Peer-Reviewed

Directions for your CONSORT assignment, Critical: all else depends on your finding a Randomized Controlled (Clinical) Trial Peer-Reviewed

Directions for your CONSORT assignment (follow along with the CONSORT rubric as you read the following steps):

Step 1. Critical:  all else depends on your finding a Randomized Controlled (Clinical) Trial Peer-Reviewed Journal Article (Level II Evidence)  Review Figure 1.1,~ p. 13 of your textbook for the Level of Evidence Pyramid, which shows an RCT is at Level II. When you communicate with physicians about an article, they respect the article more when it is at least on the Level II evidence pyramid, which suggests more credibility and possibly better input regarding outcomes of care.  Find your peer-reviewed Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) article related to your area of interest.  If you are not sure of how to find articles using our DCN Databases, do the following:

  1.  Go to the Denver College of Nursing Home Page
  2.  Notice that there are 3 columns and 3 rows, each with a green heading category.  Go to the second row, first column, and click on Databases. Once your see the top heading, Database Access, look below and see “For DCN Students: Database Use Tutorial (MP4 Recording). Study the tutorial, and it will assist you in finding a Randomized Controlled (Clinical) Trial article

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