Describe the purpose of the paper. What is the author trying to convey? What is the gap in research the authors are trying to fill in with

Describe the purpose of the paper. What is the author trying to convey? What is the gap in research the authors are trying to fill in with

I am offering an additional extra credit assignment here that may help give your grade a little boost! I have provided down below several links that take you to the home page of well known science journals. You will browse these and choose one article of your liking. (You can click on the tabs at the top of the web page to navigate the topics) It can be on any biology related topic (ex. health, medicine, conservation, zoology, environment, anatomy, evolution). I DO NOT WANT AN ARTICLE IN THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES (ex. astronomy, physics, chemistry, technology, geology). Of course you can choose another journal. You will read the article and write a one page summary on what that article is about. Do not copy down word for word as this is plagiarism and I will not give you any points if this is the case. You need to paraphrase (put in your own words) what you understood from the article.

  • Describe the purpose of the paper. What is the author trying to convey?
  • What is the gap in research the authors are trying to fill in with this paper (what is unknown here)?
  • Very briefly summarise the methods to the study (don’t worry about the statistics). What was being measured? What are the treatments?
  • What is the major result or finding? What did you find interesting?
  • What is the significance of this study and its contributions to the real world?
  • Did you enjoy reading this paper? Did you learn anything? Did it persuade you towards an idea?
  • Do you agree with the arguments?

Needs to be typed, times new roman, 12pt font, single spaced!!! When you are ready to turn it in please print out the article and your summary and staple them together. You have two weeks from today to complete this. This assignment has the potential to earn you 20 points. However, it depends on how much effort you put into the assignment and the difficulty level of the article. If you have any questions or are wondering if your article is acceptable please feel free to run it by me.

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