Describe a specific behavior that you learned in response to an external stimulus. Address the following in your response: What external

Describe a specific behavior that you learned in response to an external stimulus. Address the following in your response: What external


Although their self-awareness is limited, newborns demonstrate some degree of it; this can be observed in the rooting response and what triggers it. From their earliest moments of life, newborns learn that their own crying may result in the attention of a caretaker on a continuous, interval, or ratio reinforcement schedule. This conditioning process, which involves a stimulus and a response, represents the fundamental basis of classical conditioning. Likewise, small children may get teased by their classmates or scolded by a teacher for picking their noses, causing them to refrain from engaging in the behavior in front of others. This associative learning process, or operant conditioning, continues throughout the life span.

These scenarios suggest that our self-awareness and self-regulation have social origins, which are influenced by our environment and experiences. Self-awareness, understanding what affects our behaviors, enables us not only to build upon our strengths, but to identify opportunities to improve upon those strengths. Self-regulation, the ability to control our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, enables us to learn new behaviors and change existing ones. Recall that both self-awareness and self-regulation are elements of emotional intelligence (EI).


The following resource supports your work on the activity:

Module Three Activity Template

For this journal activity, in order to better understand the principles of behaviorism, you will review the overview as well as thoughtfully apply theory to your lived experiences to complete the Module Three Activity Template. In the template, you must address each of the following rubric criteria with a minimum of 2 to 5 sentences.

Describe a specific behavior that you learned in response to an external stimulus. Address the following in your response:

What external stimulus affected your behavior?

Were you aware that your behavior was being influenced by the stimulus? If so, how did you know?

Explain whether the conditioned behavior was positive or negative.

If positive, in what ways can you continue to reinforce this behavior?

If negative, what are some steps you can take to change this behavior?

Describe a specific behavior that you changed in response to an external stimulus. Address the following in your response:

What external stimulus affected your behavior?

Were you aware that your behavior was being influenced by the stimulus? If so, how did you know?

Explain whether the change in behavior was positive or negative.

If positive, in what ways can you continue to reinforce this behavior?

If negative, and if it is something that you would like to change again, what are some steps you can take to change this behavior?

Explain why one of the behaviors described above is an example of classical conditioning (Watson), operant conditioning (Skinner), or neither of these. Address the following in your response:

If one of the above types of conditioning applies to your example, which specific features helped you to identify it?

Explain why this type of conditioning is most effective in learning or changing this behavior.

If neither type of conditioning applies to the behavior, why is this the case? Explain your response in terms of specific conditioning features (e.g., stimulus, response, association) or inherent aspects of the behavior itself.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your completed Module Three Activity Template. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

i have to get chapter 2 of the book

Textbook: Life-Span Human Development, Chapters 2.3, 6, and 14

As you read, consider the following:

Chapter 2.3

How does learning theory compare with Piaget’s theory?

How is learning theory applied in today’s society?

Chapter 6

How do our senses impact our development?

How do humans integrate sensory information throughout different stages of development?

Chapter 14

How do emotional experiences differ across age groups?

What is the significance of attachment theory?

Video: Cultural Diversity—Tips for Communicating With Cultural Awareness opens in new window (5:01)

In this video, Snéha Khilay provides important tips for communicating successfully with people from different cultural backgrounds.

As you watch, consider the following:

How can you better communicate with cultural awareness?

What are some steps you can take to become more culturally competent?

A captioned version is available: Cultural Diversity—Tips for Communication With Cultural Awareness (CC) opens in new window

A video transcript is available: Transcript for Cultural Diversity—Tips for Communicating With Cultural Awareness opens in new window

Video: How Culture May Impact Behavior in the Classroom opens in new window (2:48)

In this video, you will explore how cultural upbringing may be present in behaviors exhibited in the classroom.

As you watch, consider the following:

How important is it that people remain culturally sensitive when communicating with others?

What level of influence does our culture have on our behavior?

A captioned version is available: How Culture May Impact Behavior in the Classroom (CC) opens in new window

A video transcript is available: Transcript for How Culture May Impact Behavior in the Classroom opens in new window

Additional Support (Optional)

Website: Famous Psychologists opens in new window

This website is a searchable list of famous psychologists. You can look for any psychologist you like (keeping in mind that only the most significant psychologists are listed). For each psychologist, there is a brief biography, as well as summaries of their professional work and key theories and research.

For this module, we have selected Mary Ainsworth, Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, and B.F. Skinner to highlight. For additional information on their contribution to theory and development, you are encouraged to use this resource to learn all about their lives in science.

Video: Mary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation: Attachment and the Growth of Love opens in new window (3:49)

In this video, you will learn why Mary Ainsworth’s theory is significant to childhood development.

As you watch, consider the following:

What is the strange situation from the title?

What has Ainsworth’s work contributed to the study of childhood development?

A captioned version is available: Mary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation: Attachment and the Growth of Love (CC) opens in new window

A video transcript is available: Transcript for Mary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation Attachment and the Growth of Love opens in new window

Video: Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning opens in new window (5:33)

In this video, you are provided with a quick introduction to the significance of Pavlov’s work.

As you watch, consider the following:

What is the significance of Pavlov’s dog?

What is a conditioned response?

Video: Watson’s Theory of Behaviourism opens in new window (5:49)

In this video, you are provided with a quick summary of Watson’s behaviorism theory.

As you watch, consider the following:

How did Watson utilize Pavlov’s work to establish his theory?

What are the ethical concerns in regard to Watson’s experiment with baby Albert?

Video: Skinner’s Operant Conditioning: Rewards and Punishments opens in new window (4:46)

In this video, you are provided a quick summary of Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning.

As you watch, consider the following:

Based on Skinner’s theory, how can we increase the likelihood of a behavior?

Based on Skinner’s theory, how can we decrease the likelihood of a behavior?

Video: How to Get Your Kids to Listen and Engage opens in new window (10:24)

In this TED Talk, Kris Prochaska discusses what happens when we include children in conversations that they have a stake in.

As you watch, consider the following:

Do you see the dynamic of parent to child to be that of a relationship or a role?

Why does Kris Prochaska think that it is valuable to listen to children’s voices?

A captioned version is available: How to Get Your Kids to Listen and Engage (CC) opens in new window

A video transcript is available: Transcript for How to Get Your Kids to Listen and Engage opens in new window 

Answer preview for Describe a specific behavior that you learned in response to an external stimulus. Address the following in your response: What external


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