critically analyzing a case, piece of media or work of art. The essay will criticize them with the lens of masculinity and another concept  

critically analyzing a case, piece of media or work of art. The essay will criticize them with the lens of masculinity and another concept  

A 4-page (900-1200 words) assignment critically analyzing a case, piece of media or work of art using the readings we have covered thus far in the course.

I have chosen two pieces of art pictures, The Oath of the Horatii by David Jacques Louis and American Gothic by Grant Wood

The essay will criticize them with the lens of masculinity and another concept of the course, it could be feminist waves. 

I will upload the reference resources. 

Answer preview for critically analyzing a case, piece of media or work of art. The essay will criticize them with the lens of masculinity and another concept  


1112 Words