Complete steps 6 and 7 in IRP-0.3 Detailed Instructions for the Individual Research Project (IRP) If your ensuing research leads you

Complete steps 6 and 7 in IRP-0.3 Detailed Instructions for the Individual Research Project (IRP) If your ensuing research leads you

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business exercise and need a reference to help me learn.

Check instructions below


1. Review your mark and specific feedback from Part 1. Also review and consider the general feedback on Part 1 here: IRP-1.1 General Feedback on the Individual Research Project, Part 1 Project Plan

2. Complete steps 6 and 7 in IRP-0.3 Detailed Instructions for the Individual Research Project (IRP) If your ensuing research leads you to conclude that it is better, you can deviate from the theme(s) and companies put forward in Part 1 Project Plan. It is normal to adjust the focus as more information comes to hand.

3. Based on your interim research and analysis, summarise (in dot point form) your main conclusions and recommendations regarding the CSR performance of your selected companies, in particular regarding your thematic focus. 

Pay particular attention to the scoring structure (Adapted from Wolcott, S. K., October 29, 2003,

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