Childhood experiences have always been changing throughout time. Children have had to endure and adjust

Childhood experiences have always been changing throughout time. Children have had to endure and adjust to the environment that they were brought up in. As society improved the children’s way of life and upbringing improved.

Respond to Meghan topic 1 and topic 2 with 200 words

Topic 1-Then and now.

Childhood experiences have always been changing throughout time. Children have had to endure and adjust to the environment that they were brought up in. As society improved the children’s way of life and upbringing improved. Aries,(1962), Heywood,(2001), Mintz, (2006), discussed that in the early 14th-16th centuries the children were required to work and support themselves as an adult. This took away early play time and the use of their imagination. If the child was involved in some type of wrong doing they would receive the same punishment as an adult would. Schooling was not considered to be important, and most children were illiterate. During the 16th-18th centuries adults saw a need for education and created schools were the children received an opportunity to learn basic learning skills such as reading and writing. The children were however, expected to work after school along side of their parents to support the family. In some instances the child would have to withdrawal from schooling if they needed to work. Often many children received only a few years of education. The Industrial Revolution of the 18th-20th centuries found the need for the children to be educated to be essential. Higher education was needed for their children to be able to compete in a new and exciting world. The days of working all day and not having time for a education was abolished with child labor laws. The 20th-21st centuries brought the Information Age to the world. Our children are expected to obtain the best education possible. The hard work ethic handed down from the past influences our productivity today. Children are influenced daily by the ever changing world of technology. Our children must learn to compete with others for well paying jobs. The children are encouraged to play, use their imaginations, and think outside of the box (as cited in Berns, 2016, p.15). Psychologist, Pollock, (1984 ) discussed “concluded that the concept of childhood, particularly parent-child relations, had not changed very much in that parents had emotional ties with their children and socialized them to adapt to the ways of society during each century.” (as cited in Berns, 2016, p.15) This proves that the parent-child bond has always been very important and necessary in the development of children.

Topic 2- Comparing the decade.

My family has came from very different life experiences as children growing up. My grandparents were born during the 1930’s, and my parents grew up in the 1950’s and 60’s. I grew up in 1990’s to early 2000’s. In my grandparents childhood there was very little technology available. They listened to the radio for up to date news and for entertainment. My parents had radio, television, and drive-in movies. Their telephone was a rotary dial phone in the kitchen, and it was the only phone in the house. When I grew up I had DVD’s, video games, internet, flip phones, and social media.

Entertainment was very different for my grandparents. They would have radio shows similar to soap operas that they listened to each week. As children they made up their own games and made their own home made toys and dolls. They read whatever books that were available to them. My parents grew up with toys purchased from stores, television, 32mm cameras, and vinyl records. I grew up with electronics such as hand-held video games, DVD’s, CGI movies, internet, and electronic toys.

The aspirations of each generation is some what different. My grandparents just wanted to be able to provide a good life for their family (better than the childhood they had). My parents had idea’s and dreams they wanted to follow. My Dad wanted to be a musician, and my Mom wanted to be a banker. I have always wanted to work with young children and working towards becoming a preschool teacher.

My family has taught me many things that has influenced my life. The stories my grandparents have share with me about their childhood and how it molded them. They used their life experiences to grow into productive adults. Their goals in life where handed down to their children, my parents, who in turn used the same life experiences to help me in my childhood. These experiences, needs, and skills they provided me gave me the tools I needed to obtain my goals. My generation is a ever changing world of technology. Many strides are made daily that influence our quality of life. Sometimes technology can have a negative effect when computers and machinery are used that replaces jobs that people do, such as self-check out lines in stores. Technology also can enable productivity, yet according to Berns, (2016),stated “Technology has enabled people to multitask. While multitasking may enhance efficiency and productivity in adults.” (p.32). Clay, (2009), discussed ” research shows it actually slows children’s productivity, changes the way they learn, and they reinforce superficial social relationships.” (p.32) We must always strive to use technology in a positive productive way. The strides made in technology helps to support growth within communities, and builds strong support outlets for growth. There will always be advances made as time progresses, we must never lose our appetite for knowledge.

Solution preview for the order Childhood experiences have always been changing throughout time. Children have had to endure and adjust to the environment that they wereChildhood experiences have always been changing throughout time


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