From a business perspective, what are the benefits of employers implementing these new emergency standards?

From a business perspective, what are the benefits of employers implementing these new emergency standards?

CURRENT EVENT ETHICS PROMPT: Unit 7 discusses, among other things,
workplace safety. Read the following article, “Cal/OSHA Adopts New COVID-19
Emergency Standards Requiring Immediate Action by Employers in California,”
linked here:
emergency-standards-requiring-immediate-action-employers (Links to an external
site.) Also read from the Jennings book Reading 7.1, “Two Sets of Books on
Safety” on page 426.
1. From a business perspective, what are the benefits of employers implementing
these new emergency standards? Try to identify at least two benefits, and explain
your reasoning for this view.
2. From a business perspective, what are the drawbacks of implementing these new
emergency standards? Try to identify at least one drawback, and explain your
reasoning for this view.
3. Overall, from a business standpoint, do you think that these new standards are a
good idea or a bad idea? Explain why you believe.

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