Blood Transfusion: Cell Savera. What is it? b. indications for use c. Which blood products can be used d. How is it administered i. Talk

Blood Transfusion: Cell Savera. What is it? b. indications for use c. Which blood products can be used d. How is it administered i. Talk

Blood Transfusion

10 Slides (Not including Cover or Reference Page)

Cell Saver

a. What is it

b. indications for use

c. Which blood products can be used

d. How is it administered

i. Talk about device(s) used (illustrate different devices out in the market)

e. Nursing considerations

f. Where (departments) can patients receive this product

g. Reference page in APA format

h. Review the Presentation rubric to ensure you have met those objectives as well

Do Not use APA Format-APPs to Build Reference Page USE THIS–…

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