Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard

Read the article attached and write a reading notes follow by the requirements. Absolutely original work,otherwise will be withdrew.


Two pages (1000 words minmun), single space, business block, justified margins, 10-point font

APA bibliographic citation of the work as your ‘title’


Central theme – identify author’s main lesson/argument – what is the author(s) teaching us

Critical analysis – evaluate the lesson/argument – strengths/weaknesses – considering pointing to a frame of reference in your own life or your training in the subject

Main takeaways – so what and now what? How do we best apply the knowledge from this article? Essentially, why does this study matter?


Solution Preview

The authors are attempting to increase our comprehension on the way the balanced scorecard has transformed conservative thinking on productivity measures. At the moment the authors were inventing this approach in the year 1992, the majority of firms were involved in renovating themselves…………………….


1253 Words