Ask three colleagues/professors/employers the top three good things that exist when you are present and what is missing when you

Ask three colleagues/professors/employers the top three good things that exist when you are present and what is missing when you

Learning Goal: I’m working on a creative writing writing question and need support to help me learn.

Here is your homework assignment:
Ask three colleagues/professors/employers the top three good things that exist when you are present and what is missing when you are not there. Consider how their responses fit into your personal brand narrative and shape the characteristics, qualities, and skills you want to lead with first as you venture out into the job market.
To help keep you going with your brand building progress, here are some helpful questions to ask yourself, as well as a values exercise.
Personal Brand Discovery Questions
What is the story that got you to where you are today?
What have been the significant moments for you leading up to today and
how do you think these moments have changed and shaped you?
Why is building a personal brand important to you?
Where do you want to be in one year? Five years? Ten years? How will your
personal brand help get you there?

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