Comparing and contrasting differences and similarities with Sistine Madonna, but feel free to include more paintings

Comparing and contrasting differences and similarities with Sistine Madonna, but feel free to include more paintings

Students will compose a 2400-3000-word essay. This essay will include:

The work’s historical background (patronage, location, etc.)

A visual description and analysis of the work.

Comparison to any other works that aid in the analysis.

An explanation (or discussion?) of the work’s iconography and other aspects that are of interest to the essay’s direction.

A preliminary bibliography containing 5 sources for their papers.
Works were chosen are Christ with The Four Evangelists by Fra Bartolommeo and Sistine Madonna by Raphael. Mainly focus on the Christ with The Four Evangelists, comparing and contrasting differences and similarities with Sistine Madonna, but feel free to include more paintings from these two artists, and please also mention biography of Bartolommeo, and his relationship with Raphael and how they influenced each other since they were closed friend at that time. Please use reliable sources like notes from museum, library, etc…

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Comparing and contrasting differences and similarities with Sistine Madonna, but feel free to include more paintings


2571 words