Are all generations the same? If not, defend your answer. The baby boomers challenged societal and cultural norms when they were young

Are all generations the same? If not, defend your answer. The baby boomers challenged societal and cultural norms when they were young

Please review the business article(s), link(s), and/or video(s) below to better understand some of the concepts in the lesson and answer the questions below:

Gen Z Video

Watch Video
How Generation Z Will Change The World According To Experts | TIME
Duration: 4:32
User: n/a – Added: 4/23/18

Free Markets/Regulated Markets Videos

Watch Video
Price System | Free Market vs. Government Intervention
Duration: 8:42
User: n/a – Added: 5/13/17

Watch Video
Free Market Economics: Uber, Airbnb, & Feastly vs Government Regulation – Learn Liberty
Duration: 3:00
User: n/a – Added: 8/6/15

Cited Sources:

Time. (2018, April 23). How Generation Z Will Change The World According To Experts | TIME [Video file]. Retrieved from

Learn Liberty. (2015, August 6). Free Market Economics: Uber, Airbnb, & Feastly vs Government Regulation – Learn Liberty [Video file]. Retrieved from

EconClips. (2017, May 13). Price System | Free Market vs. Government Intervention [Video file]. Retrieved fromĀ

Answer ONE of the following:
Are all generations the same? If not, defend your answer. The baby boomers challenged societal and cultural norms when they were young. How does this generation today challenge the norms. Please provide an example.
How involved should governments be in regulating foreign trade? Are free markets better than regulated markets, or vice versa?
Can anyone become an opinion leader? Why or why not?
The following requirements must be met to ensure full credit for discussions:
Your original post should be a minimum of 100 words.
Read and respond to at least one of your peer’s postings. These responses should be substantive posts that contribute to the conversation by asking questions, respectfully debating positions, and presenting supporting information relevant to the topic. Also, respond to any follow-up questions the instructor directs to you in the discussion area.
Discussions will be worth 30% of your final grade.
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Note: Participants are required to create a thread in order to view other threads in the forum.You cannot delete or edit your own post and cannot post anonymously. You must post your answer first and after it will allow you to see the other students responses to the questions.

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