How does the defined term/concept relate to advanced pharmacology? What application does the defined term/concept have in advanced

How does the defined term/concept relate to advanced pharmacology? What application does the defined term/concept have in advanced

Write the definition of each of the terms/concepts. Choose one (1) of the previously defined terms/concepts. For the chosen term/concept, write a minimum of two (2) sentences, answering only one (1) of the following questions:

How does the defined term/concept relate to advanced pharmacology? What application does the defined term/concept have in advanced pharmacology? What is the importance of the defined term/concept for the advanced nursing practice?

Drug categories Pediatric drugs Human Milk Breast feeding Drug addictions Drug metabolism Agonist Antagonist Cholinergic Muscarinic Recepctor alfa 1 and 2 Receptor Beta 1 and 2 Chronotropic Sympathetic system Parasympathetic system

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