Describe briefly the long-term outcome or impact of proposed program/project and how it contributes to your agency’s mandate

Describe briefly the long-term outcome or impact of proposed program/project and how it contributes to your agency’s mandate

This section of your proposal provides a clear and detailed description of the program/project that you are proposing.
It must include a rationale explaining how your agency’s proposed program/project works to address the identified problem/need(s).
Use paragraphs and full sentences, but make sure to include appropriate headings so the reader can follow along easily.
Make sure to include a clear and detailed description of the following to describe the purpose and broad goals of proposed

  1. Describe briefly the long-term outcome or impact of proposed program/project and how it contributes to your agency’s mandate
    (Note, long term outcome or impact statements are what you hope to accomplish, but you may not be able to measure them within
    the life of proposed program/project)
    a) Who are the intended beneficiaries of proposed program/project including their characteristics (i.e. demographic information, their
    assets etc.)
    b) Describe the ways in which members of the client group had been consulted/involved in the development of the proposed
    program/program (demonstrate you have the support of the clients to move ahead with the proposed program/project)
    c) Describe briefly the setting and location (i.e. where the proposed program/project will be implemented and accessibility)
    d) Describe the proposed strategies and activities your proposed program/project plan to offer
    e) Be explicit and state exactly how you hope the strategies/activities will achieve the short-term or immediate outcomes and address
    the need, how your short-term outcomes contribute to long-term outcome (attach program/project logic model)
    f) If applicable, talk about partnerships/collaborations your agency plans to develop with others to maximize your proposed
    program’s/project’s capacity to address the need
    g) Describe staffing or program/project team’s experience/qualification; their roles and responsibilities; and how their roles and
    responsibilities relate to the implementation of program/project strategies/activities described above; and are essential in achieving
    the proposed program/project’s goals.
    h) Explain briefly how much it will cost to implement proposed program/project; indicate how you plan to raise the resources; the
    amount you need, and the amount you are requesting from the funder (attach a detailed budget)

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