you and two co-authors have to come up with a research question about economic growth and/or inequality and write a short essay about it.

you and two co-authors have to come up with a research question about economic growth and/or inequality and write a short essay about it.

1 Final Project: Instructions
• The final project consists of an empirical research proposal: you and two co-authors have to come up with a research question about economic growth and/or inequality and write a short essay about it.
• Think of the paper as the following: You have to formulate a question that you could answer with
data if you had more time. At this point you don’t need to answer this question though. Answering it
would take a much longer time (maybe you can try answering it after the course!).
• What question can you ask? Any empirical question related to economic growth and/or inequality.
The question has to be empirical: it should not be a theoretical paper. Your question has to be specific,
though. Your paper should not be a “journalistic” article.
• You can use descriptive statistics (tables, graphs) and other basic statistical methods such as linear
regression to motivate your question. It is very important for you to write well (spelling, grammar,
punctuation, structure). Check with the U Manitoba Academic Learning Center for resources for
students. It is also very important to follow the format detailed below.

Answer preview or you and two co-authors have to come up with a research question about economic growth and/or inequality and write a short essay about it.


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