It is important that you leave this course understanding some workplace writing concepts that you should both master and avoid.

It is important that you leave this course understanding some workplace writing concepts that you should both master and avoid.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. INTRODUCTION:It is important that you leave this course understanding some workplace writing concepts that you should both master and avoid. Two of the writing errors that I will flag (or deduct points) are using contractions (I’ve, don’t, we’ve, they’re, and all the others) and clichés. As a professional writer, especially in a world where your reader may not have a background in American culture or language, it is imperative that you learn to eliminate clichés. Want to learn more about why? Review the section on clichés in Chapter 10 and also review information about letter clichés in Chapter 14.Now let’s see what you have learned.
    DIRECTIONS: Complete Parts 1 & 2. For Part 1, copy the original sentences, then rewrite your answers correctly below. Use MS Word or .pdf formats only. PART 1: Revise the following sentences by correcting the bolded cliché. (60 pts)
    1. The long-term prospects for the service are looking fairly bleak at this moment in time.At the end of the day, it is the minister himself who has to make the decision.The authorities announced that they would not tolerate drugs within the sport in any way, shape, or form.Attached please find the memorandum on the new dress code policy that will be enforced in the upcoming weeks.Referring to your letter regarding the problem encountered with your new laptop.We wish to advise that during work hours, you stop spending your time on Facebook.
    PART 2: Talk about what you have learned. (40 pts)Provide an example of a cliché that you have used (or heard or read about in your textbook that is not on the list above–you can also see a few more on this website: Avoiding Clichés) and in your own words, explain (1) how you would revise the cliché and (2) how you, as a professional writer, can avoid clichés in professional correspondence.
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