So, you don’t have to like those topics, but what historical period of time do you find the most interesting to learn about via reading,

So, you don’t have to like those topics, but what historical period of time do you find the most interesting to learn about via reading,

Learning Goal: I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1) So, you don’t have to like those topics, but what historical period of time do you find the most interesting to learn about via reading, film, speaking to people, lecture, etc.? (for me it is WW1, WW2 and the Civil War, basically 1865-1945 abroad and the U.S. because of it’s shaping of the modern world).

2) Where do you think history comes into play among shaping the way a nation (any nation) acts or feels as it relates to the rest of the world or at least it’s neighbors?

3) What is a personal history of yours (or your family or even perhaps your ethnic/religious sub-culture) that shapes how you view the world? You don’t have to be too personal if it is painful, but think how something historical shapes your view of work, relationships or school, etc.

4) When do you think history SHOULDN’T be taken into consideration when it comes to business? In other words, should something that happened centuries ago no longer be relevant between nations or companies from various nations with perhaps a tense history? How long is enough, or is there no limit?

5) Where does Geography play a role in your life? Distance willing to drive to/from work, school, gym, leisure activities, etc.? When has time zones had an impact of some kind in your life (i.e. jet lag on a trip, talking with someone across the world, getting a business on the phone for a conference call or issue, etc.)

6) What is a Geography topic you are confident in knowing well (i.e. you know the Upper Peninsula really well)? What is one you can never seem to get a feel for (can be one you’ve visited or just it never looks right on the map to you, I honestly struggle with downtown Flint, I always think look up Saginaw Street to the north is actually west, I can’t get it right after 15 years, lol)?

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