Explain in relation to the definition of aesthetics and to the readings we’ve done so far, how you understand black aesthetics.

Explain in relation to the definition of aesthetics and to the readings we’ve done so far, how you understand black aesthetics.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a philosophy writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Explain in relation to the definition of aesthetics and to the readings we’ve done so far, how you understand black aesthetics. Admittedly, “black aesthetics” was not known as such before the 1960s, and we’ve not quite read up that far in history yet. But the field was arguably emerging/evolving for decades, if not centuries, before the 1960s and it thus has a long genealogy.

If black aesthetics is distinguished by “blackness,” how should we understand blackness philosophically? Can black aesthetics have any political impact in the interest of social justice, racial equality in particular?

How does paul taylor have the better answers to these issues/questions? ( attached document )

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